Become a Volunteer

“Volunteers are unpaid. Not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless!”
Email to become a volunteer.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at HSSCG. Volunteers make such a difference in preparing our animals for their new family and forever home. We appreciate the time, patience and dedication our volunteers give to our animals.
The mission of our volunteer program is to enrich the lives of the animals in our care that are waiting for permanent homes. Mostly, we need volunteers who are able to exercise and socialize our dogs and cats on a daily basis. Also, we may occasionally ask volunteers to help us in other areas, such as cleaning, offsite events, office help, yard work, etc…depending on their abilities and desire to assist in areas with less direct animal interaction. We love volunteers who love people, too!
Volunteers can serve daily throughout the week. Even though we are closed to the public on Sundays and Mondays, volunteers are encouraged to come out and socialize our animals on those days as well as any other day of the week. We welcome volunteers 7 days a week, 365 days a year!
FLETC students/staff that will be here at least a month or more are invited to volunteer at HSSCG. You will need to fill out an application and go through a brief orientation covering our policies and procedures. Please email the volunteer coordinator, Sher Pollard, at to request an application. Applications can also be picked up at HSSCG but you will still need to email Sher to receive information about the required orientation.
Ways to get involved:
- Cat Socialization
- Dog Socialization
- Grooming – bathing dogs
- Lucky Dog retail store – (Tues-Saturdays, 12pm to 4pm, can volunteer for once a week or multiple days)
- Off-site events
- Fostering
- Big Flea Quality Resale Store volunteer
- If interested in fostering or the Big Flea store, please email Sher Pollard at to request more information as requirements and applications are different.
- Age – Volunteers must be 17 years old and older to be a part of the regular volunteer program. Children 14-16 years of age can become a junior volunteer along with a parent or legal guardian that must also become a volunteer and accompany them while volunteering
- Schedule – Volunteers are asked to try to volunteer at least two days per month for a couple of hours between 9:30-4:00. We are looking for consistency so that animals are not overwhelmed on certain days of the week and ignored on other days. You can volunteer on any day(s)/time(s) that fits your schedule. More information will be given during the orientation process.
- Active Status; In order to maintain your status as an active volunteer we ask that you volunteer least 2 days a month. We understand that situations and schedules can change making it hard to commit to volunteering on a regular basis. If for any reason you are no longer able to volunteer or will be gone for a period of time, please email the Volunteer Coordinator.
- Volunteer T-shirt – Volunteers will be required to purchase a volunteer t-shirt and wear it when they are volunteering for HSSCG.
- Orientation – All volunteers must attend a general orientation before volunteering. Orientations are scheduled for once a month.
If you are interested in volunteering at HSSCG please email the volunteer coordinator, Sher Pollard, at She will contact you within 2 business days and a volunteer application will be sent to you by email.
Once your application is received, you will be invited to participate in the next monthly orientation.
Orientations last for approximately 2 ½ hours beginning at 9:30. The first orientation is a general orientation about HSSCG including information about volunteer opportunities, rules, procedures, volunteers do’s and don’ts, staff positions, liability, and other policies. If you will be working with dogs, you will need to attend a second orientation which is a hands-on animal training session with our certified dog trainer. Please wear closed toe shoes and no dangling jewelry to orientations.
At the end of orientation, you will be asked to purchase your volunteer t- shirt ($11 + tax). You will also be given your own personal access code and shown how to log in to Volgistics to track your hours in our volunteer management system.
COURT-ORDERED COMMUNITY SERVICE (this is not a volunteer position):
Court-ordered community service at the Humane Society involves custodial cleaning duties and doesn’t include any socialization with animals. If community service is required by the court or a lawyer, please contact Sher Pollard at to request an application or one can be picked up at the Humane Society of South Coastal Georgia.
After receiving your application, your lawyer or probation officer will be contacted to verify the information and then we will get back in touch with you to set up a time to meet and determine if the Humane Society is the right match for your needs. Please be sure to carefully read the first page of the information you are sent because if you are doing community service for any of the listed charges, you won’t be able to do your community service at this Humane Society.