HSSCG Clinic

Surgical Consent Form (Confirmed Appointments ONLY)

  • PRICING: **2-10 lbs: $10 **11-30 lbs: $20 **31-50 lbs: $30 **OVER 51 lbs: $35
  • Humane Society of South Coastal Georgia (HSSCG) Veterinary Services uses qualified staffing and approved material for all procedures performed. We are NOT a FULL SERVICE CLINIC; PET OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COSTS AND EXPENSE ASSOCIATED WITH ANY NECESSARY AFTERCARE. It is important for you to understand that the risk of injury or death, although extremely low, is always present just as it is for humans who undergo surgery. Carefully read and understand the following before signing your name. I, acting as owner or agent of the pet named above, hereby request and authorize HSSCG Vet Services, through whomever veterinarians they may designate, to perform an operation for sexual sterilization of said animal.
  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY